Wine and Cheese
‘Wine & Cheese-time with Ron’ again!
Friday October 5th saw a full hall, 8 great wines and cheeses to share, an explanation or anecdote with each one and what have you got? Fifty very happy people, too busy sipping, nibbling, comparing, and discussing, to take a photo!
Ron Gleeson, our benign host, had scoured La Belle France for yet more delicious new tastes with affordable prices, Muriel and friends served generous portions non-stop to match the descriptions and all was delivered with a bonhomie that created a warm glow leaving us wanting to fix the date for the next one. A raffle raised £55 for Twinning funds.
If you missed it, do make sure you book in good time for the next occasion! A huge thank-you goes to Ron and his team for all their hard work.
Last modified: June 12, 2024