
The first weekend in December saw five members of the Twinning Association heading to Mouvaux for the annual Marche de Noel, at which Buckingham had a stand. 

After an uneventful journey in two cars using the tunnel we reached the Mairie (the Town Hall) on Friday afternoon to set up our stall. Stephanie’s parents live in Mouvaux so she had been able to store some of the non perishable items in their garage in advance. 

Some of the team had been before so knew what we needed to bring and what would sell for example tea, marmalade, crackers, mince pies, Christmas puddings. Friday evening and Saturday late afternoon and evening were busy in spite of the weather, it rained all day on Saturday and we were glad we were indoors unlike some of the stalls. 

It gave us all a chance to meet up with friends from Mouvaux, and also from Neukirchen Vluyn, and to make new friends too. As usual the whole event was most convivial and much enjoyed though we expect the weather deterred some people from venturing out. 

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